Ji-Hyeon Lee receives the news that her son won the grand prize in the math contest...

2024-07-27 23:41:03

“I hope you get good results from your efforts.”

Lee Ji-hyun, a former member of the girl group Jewelry, gave fans a warm feeling by sharing the news of her son winning the grand prize in a math contest.

On the 26th, Lee Ji-hyun posted on her Instagram, "I am a 3rd grader, and I received the highest score in the 4th grade exam, and the top performers will gather together and go to the national finals of the HMC (Solution Mathematics Contest) once again. I hope the results will be as good as the effort.

In the released video, Lee Ji-hyun appeared proud as she personally presented the medal to her son and gave him a warm hug.

He couldn't hide his joy as he showed the certificate along with the words, "I won the grand prize in the math contest this time too."


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