Song Seung-hwan and Lee Jae-hoo combination “Paris opens a new horizon for the Olympic opening ceremony”

2024-07-28 01:11:04

In response, coach Song Seung-hwan said, "All Olympic opening ceremonies have been held in stadiums, but this opening ceremony is a place where all rules and customs are broken."

In Paris, where the atmosphere of the opening ceremony was exciting despite the rain, various celebrities such as pop star Ariana Grande, NBA star Tony Parker, and track and field legend Carl Lewis appeared, raising expectations.

Since then, the opening ceremony performances have also covered a variety of topics, from the 'craftsmanship' symbolized by France's leading luxury brands to the French Revolution expressed through powerful heavy metal performances.

Director Song Seung-hwan highly praised the team, saying, “It opened a new horizon for the Olympic opening ceremony,” and “As a revolutionary country, it presented a new challenge that broke rules and regulations.”


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