<Documentary ON> Julian, who is obsessed with ‘Arisu’, explores the cause of Korea’s avoidance of tap water

2024-09-09 22:11:04

It is said that a huge amount of carbon emissions can be reduced by simply reducing the use of the 5.6 billion plastic bottles consumed annually in Korea, but the rate of direct drinking of tap water among Koreans is only 5%.

Julian Quintart, a broadcaster and environmental activist, said he comfortably drank tap water in his hometown of Belgium.

He has now entered his 20th year of living in Korea, and like most Koreans, he has become more accustomed to water from purifiers and plastic bottles instead of tap water.

Meanwhile, in Ogimi Village, a longevity village in Okinawa, Japan, where 'water is the secret to longevity', the villagers are working together to protect the source of tap water.

People around her ask how she can use tap water to make baby formula, but for Yerim, who grew up healthy drinking tap water since she was young, drinking tap water is a daily routine that is nothing strange or special.


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