Seo Dong-ju reveals her husband-to-be, who is 4 years younger than her...

2024-09-10 08:11:05

“Next year’s wedding goal”

Seo Dong-ju, a broadcaster and American lawyer, announced the news of her remarriage and revealed her prospective non-celebrity groom, who is four years younger than her.

In the video, Seo Dong-ju opened up, saying, "There have been a lot of articles saying that she has a boyfriend, so I want to talk about it directly."

She previously revealed that Seo Dong-ju is in a relationship with a non-celebrity boyfriend who is four years younger than her, and that she is aiming to get married in the middle of next year.

In her video, Seo Dong-ju said of her boyfriend, "He is always a very considerate and warm person. He actively helps me whenever he walks my dog ​​with me or does volunteer work for abandoned dogs."

She subsequently attracted a lot of attention as she prepared to remarry after 9 years with her boyfriend, who is 4 years younger than her.


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