KBS, live broadcast of ‘US presidential candidate TV debate’ with experts

2024-09-10 18:11:06

This debate, hosted by ABC after the unprecedented change of U.S. presidential candidates, is the first public TV debate held with only 50 days left before the U.S. presidential election.

Currently, the two candidates are engaged in a close race, showing close approval ratings in public opinion polls in competing states, so this debate is expected to be a decisive watershed in the presidential election.

In particular, since neither Harris nor Trump have scheduled another public debate until the US presidential election day on November 5, it is expected that this will actually be the first and last debate.

The eyes and ears of Korean viewers are also focused on this debate as the result of the U.S. presidential election has a huge impact on Korea's economic and security landscape amidst a clear conflict over economic, security, and trade policies.


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