[SBS Master of Life] Sourdough Master, Suffocating Digestive Factory Master, Finger Arm Wrestling Master, French Home Cooking Master

2024-09-11 22:11:08

The point of sourdough made using San Francisco natural fermentation starter is that it brings out the unique chewy texture.

Sourdough cookies baked with sourdough dough are another of Master's best sellers.

The master's secret to making delicious sourdough without yeast, eggs, additives, sugar, or even milk and eggs.

Accordingly, the rate of electric vehicle fire accidents is said to be on the rise. A suffocating fire extinguisher factory is producing suffocating fire extinguishers to prevent accidents caused by electric vehicle fires.

Unlike other factories that import products from China, this place produces asphyxiation fire extinguishers directly.

We visit a smothering fire extinguisher factory filled with the passionate passion of masters for preventing fires.

A master who won second place in a finger wrestling competition thanks to his incredible finger strength.

Meet the master of finger arm wrestling.

Master's trademarks are baguette and lemon tart, which are traditional French breads.

Let's find a master's cuisine that lets you feel France just by tasting it.


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