[Decision to pass on SBS] An interview with the owner of a long-established store’s most personal successor to find a successor who will carry on the taste

2024-09-12 20:11:05

Today, September 16th, SBS will air a new program called ‘Decision to Pass on’, which is based on the concept of interviewing the most personal successor of a long-established store owner to find a successor who will carry on the legacy.

Five MCs who love the old restaurant will become strict interviewers and watch the interview process of the challengers who have decided to take over.

A variety of participants, regardless of their experience, who loved the nostalgic restaurant applied, attracting more people than expected, and only a small number of them were given the opportunity to take on the challenge of 'resolving to pass it on'.

The most personal successor interview of the owner of a long-established store to find a successor to carry on the taste.


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