[SBS I Want to Know] Missionary's Suspicious Business - Death of a Woman in her 40s

2024-09-13 17:11:05

The woman who was last seen going up the elevator alone carrying a chair around 11 a.m. was presumed to have jumped after stepping on a chair in the hallway after getting off on the 12th floor.

About 300 audio files featuring a man named ‘Missionary Lee’ remained on her cell phone.

She, who was a devout Christian believer, is said to have stored in her cell phone all 300 audios of conversations she had with Mr. Na Seon-i, from her first meeting as an external revivalist instructor at a prayer center in June of last year until her death.

Since their first meeting in June last year, Jeong-mi said she has often received counseling from missionary Lee and relied on him.


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