Complete the original sights that were captured in the times of the King's case, but with a modern sensibility.

2020-04-04 18:31:15

The main stage of the movie broadcast on KBS on the afternoon of the 4th is the scene of various events beyond the palace.

The setting of the king's direct search for an event with two feet and the fact that the event is solved based on scientific reasoning rather than intuition or instinct are the main points that make modern fun and novelty different from the historical dramas.

Director Moon Hyun-Sung wanted to create a fun of unexpectedness that stimulates the cinematic imagination by deviating from the historical facts or the frame of historical dramas focused on the testimonies.

While capturing the image of the time, it has completed an original sight with modern sensibility.

Yejong's secret space, which is the main background in the film, is a personal space where he analyzes events and a secret meeting with his servants.

Although it is located in a palace that looks plain on the outside, various props such as various costumes and anatomical materials necessary for stealth, and objects used in a magic show show the characteristics of the king's character.

And the scene of Yejong's direct examination of the body after the strange incident of the people's head catching fire catches the eye with the unusual visuals of the Joseon Dynasty and contemporary scientific investigation.

The process of solving various problems based on science and chemistry principles, the appearance of the submarine 'Submarine', and the large sized stone room located in the basement of a shabby hut, are on the adventure of Yejong and Iseo who don't know where to go.

The audience also seems to be joining together to enhance the liveliness.

Based on this novel material of the Joseon Dynasty Science Investigation, the creative sights drawn in will multiply the fun of exciting and entertaining adventures and present new experiences to the audience.

If the existing historical dramas focused on reproducing the times in history based on thorough testimony, offers a different look with a space that adds a bold sense to the historical drama and a modern sense.

The production design team, who was responsible for the overall space in , based on the evidence of the basic framework of wood and Korean paper in the play, emphasizes the traditional style and grandeur, while reminiscent of modern Western architecture.

By completing a novel yet novel space.

The secret space of the king, which is the main background of the film, added the speciality of the space by borrowing the arch shape of Western Gothic architecture from the entrance.

The high table reminiscent of the Western library, the books stacked on it, and the anatomical materials filling the space, as well as the octagonal stage Octagon form, the meeting table of kings and light guides reveal free and curious character

At the same time, it shows a young and modern sense.

This space is a place where the production period was completed for 4 weeks, and there were about 30 staff members.

Another important place in the movie, the basement stone room, was considered the most natural space under the old shack, and made use of realistic rocks, tree roots, and wooden supports to complete a different atmosphere.

In addition, the submarine's submarine, based on the cinematic imagination, was made with materials such as wood, Korean paper, and nets that could float in real water.

The various production designs of , completed through different concepts and methods, are catching the eye with creative ideas that have never been seen anywhere.