Han Seon-hwa, controversy over YouTube video inviting Rep. Lee Jun-seok, “Can I call you oppa?”

2024-09-14 05:11:03

eventually deleted

Actress Han Sun-hwa became embroiled in controversy after inviting New Reform Party lawmaker Lee Jun-seok to her YouTube channel.

While Han Sun-hwa is continuing her box office success with the recent JTBC drama 'Playing Woman' and the movie 'Pilot', she attracted controversy by inviting Rep. Lee Jun-seok as a guest on her personal YouTube channel 'Curious Seon-hwa'.

In this video, Han Seon-hwa had a free conversation with Representative Lee Jun-seok and showed off her unique candid manner.

The controversy arose as a light conversation took place, with Han Seon-hwa using a friendly title to Rep. Lee Jun-seok, saying, "Can I call you oppa?" and Rep. Lee joking, "Bring some alcohol" and "Change the channel name to 'Hot Seonhwa.'" It got bigger.


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