When you want to see the cause of constipation

2019-11-08 01:31:10

To prevent constipation, you should eat foods rich in fiber and drink plenty of fluids.

Getting up in the morning and drinking water on an empty stomach, constant exercise, or walking for more than 30 minutes every day can help.

Also, eat foods that are good for your gut health.

Vegetables such as cabbage, radish, carrot sweet potatoes, and seaweed such as seaweed kelp.

Medically, constipation is defined as a small number of bowel movements or when it is difficult to see bowel movements and when the bowel movement is less than once every three to four days.

In general, the situation is not cool.

Constipation can be caused by eating medicines that cause constipation or by having a related disease.

It can also be caused by food not being able to pass through the intestine, blocked, or when your rectum's motor function declines.

Constipation can also occur when you have hypothyroidism or diabetes.

It is very diverse.

Rather than being diagnosed with bowel movements, you can't go to the toilet often when you have a bowel movement, anus obstruction, or hard stools.

When you want to see the stool, you should have a bowel movement and have a habit of sitting on the toilet at a certain time.

Avoid sitting on the toilet for more than 10 minutes, and exercise if you're less active.

If you haven't healed after six weeks of non-drug treatment, start medication.