Yulmu makes me feel full. Yulmu is good for diet.

2019-11-07 02:11:10

Yulmu is very effective.

Rich in amino acids, good for fatigue recovery and prevents adult diseases.

Makes you feel full, Yulmu is good for your diet.

Yulmu's benefits include skin care and diabetes treatment.

Yulmu side effects should be avoided by pregnant or nursing mothers because the components of Yulmu are harmful to the fetus.

You can eat a variety according to your preference.

It is recommended to eat processed yulmu products rather than eating them.

You can eat Yulmu Brown Rice, which is nutritionally compatible with rice.

Yulmucha products are widely distributed in the market, and Damteul Yumcha is famous.

There are many ways to eat jujube.

You can eat the yulmu with powdered rice or porridge or rice cake.

Mix brown rice when you add it to rice.

Yulmucha is completed by stirring yulmu powder in hot water.

You can drink it warmly.

Damteul Yum Cha is famous.

Efficacy is a lot of vitamin B1, B2, iron, etc., which helps metabolism.

It is rich in lutein, which is good for eye health.

Yulmu side effects are cold people should pay attention.

It is good to take after a meal for people with weak stomach because of excellent diuretic effect.

Pregnant women should be careful because they harm the unborn baby.

The origin of Yulmu, which was widely used as a medicine or tea, is Southeast Asia.

In Korea, Yulmu is grown in Yeoncheon and Yeongwol, Gyeonggi.

Yulmu is higher in calories than you thought, raw yulmu is 377kcal per 100g, and yulmu is processed with tea or powder at 393kcal per 100g.