European audition also means 'Fundham Singer 3'

2019-11-06 18:31:12

'Phantom Singer 3' will recruit a wide range of participants by broadening the music genres and recruiting targets such as pop, rock, hip hop, jazz, folk songs, and latino, in addition to existing vocal, musical, poppera, Korean traditional music and K-pop.

European auditions are also meaningful in that they search for “the second Kim house”.

Baritone Kim Joo, who appeared in 'Phantom Singer Season 2', was a world class who had already been the main actors of the operas 'La Boem' and 'La Traviata' all over Europe.

Collected the topic.

Kim said, “Phantom singer is the most precious moment for me and the driving force that keeps me from being idle.” “If you need a musical companion to be with you in your lonely moments, or want to make yourself and your music more widely known,

I hope you don't miss this opportunity. ”He encouraged the support of European musicians.