Assistant Reboots…

2019-11-05 08:31:11

Kwak Jung Hwan directing Miss KAMURABI THE K2 Chuno ...?

JTBC's new Monaco drama 'Advisor: People Who Move the World Season 2' (play Lee Dae-il, director Kwak Jung-hwan, Production Studio & New, aide 2) can watch the last season ahead of the first broadcast on November 11

Boot '.

Jang Tae-joon (Lee Jung-jae), a former 4th-senator and chief aide of Song Hee-seop (Kim Gap-soo), the current Attorney General, compressed the intensive journey to become a member of the National Assembly.

Broadcast from

The first episode of 'Advisor Reboot', which aired on the 3rd of the night, contains the journey and activities of Jang Tae-joon (Lee Jung-jae) to make former lawmaker Song Hee-seop (Kim Gap-soo) the Minister of Justice until Season 1 1-6.

Jang Tae-jun's dangerous run and the fierce Yeouido survivor's life.

Kwak Jung-hwan, director of 'Miss Hammurabi', 'THE K2', and 'Chuno'

Publisher Studio & New agreed with Season 1.

It will be broadcast on JTBC on September 11 at 9:30 pm following the “Flower Party of Chosun Hondam Workshop”.