Jessica in the picture is black ??

2019-11-04 07:31:22

'Baga Bond'

‘Baga Bond’ Lee Seung-gi and Moon Jung-hee explode the tension with ‘mute face-to-face’ of anger.

In the picture, Jessica is dressed in a black suit with her hair tied up in a dark expression, and calmly reads the script that she has prepared.

Is holding.

Furthermore, unlike Jessica, who looks embarrassed when she meets her eyes, Cha-Dal-Gan is staring at Jessica, shooting her eyes without blinking.

Production company Celltrion Entertainment said, "Lee Seung-gi and Moon Jung-hee are two different actors in the same space, and the air of the field has changed."


In the broadcast, Cha Dal-gun and Go-Ha-ri managed to make Kim Woo-gi stand out as a witness of a lawsuit for damages against the B357 family.

Since then, some questions have been raised as to why Jessica is holding an urgent press conference, and why.