Various music gathers…

2019-11-03 06:31:11

Bigger Gain 3

JTBC's Biggin Gain 3, which aired on November 1, reveals the story of Lee Ji-tae, Paul Kim, Kim Hyun-woo, who took a busking trip to Amsterdam, the second city.

As diverse cultures coexist, it is a place where a variety of music gathers, from classical music to pop, EDM, and the recent “K-pop” craze.

On the first morning, the members sat in a deck in front of the hostel overlooking the lake and looked at the list of songs sung in Germany.

"We did a lot," recalled Busking.

Taeyeon said, “I wanted to sing Adel's“ When We Were Young ”again in Berlin.”

Shortly after last month's broadcast on the 9th, this song, which had been highly loved online with high hits, was sung in Amsterdam and added a unique feeling.

Taeyeon and Paul Kim selected Yoon Mi-rae's 'After time passed'.

Two people's unique voice filled the quarters.