Let's confirm global popularity

2019-11-01 02:11:10

Taeyeon's 'Perform', released on the 28th, was released in Brazil, Mexico, India, United Arab Emirates, Brunei, Cambodia, Chile, Hong Kong, Hungary, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Macau, Malaysia, Philippines, Qatar, Saudi Arabia,

It was ranked No. 1 in 21 regions around the world, including Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, and Vietnam.

This confirms Taeyeon's global popularity as it is the number one record in Korean female solo singer album.

Billboard, a famous American media, introduced Taeyeon's new album on the official homepage on the 28th (local time). “It is a collection of soulful pop music, showing how she found the purpose of life through music.

Taeyeon talks about life and love through this album, and the hopeful feelings of going through difficult times are permeating the whole album, especially the new song 'Spark.'