Expose the grounds of reason

2019-10-31 23:11:20

I can't forgive you

Weapon Affliction Sue publication

Weebi revealed that he accused the Afflictioner.

The Weebi agency said that "he attacked the family," he said there would be no place.

It can be said that the position is not to forgive the reason why we are not.

WeBee posted an article about the relevant WeBee Affliction complaints on the media through Instagram.

Weebee posted the article title and part of the text on SNS.

The report about the reason why the complaints were accused of why we are accused of the reason.

"A family member who was legally convicted of innocence was attacked unilaterally," he said.

In addition to the suspicion of accusation of the reason why it was accused, "the subsidiary company is under legal review of the dissemination of other contents".

"We have been accused of primary reasons for being a daughter of a middle-aged actress in addition to his father-related afflictions," according to the reason why the reason why the reason is that the reason for the excuse of the reason is that it is the daughter of the middle class actress.