Lee Seung-yeop, Yongho Sangam demonstration, big match Myeongbul empirical, pitching

2019-10-28 07:11:11

Lee Seung-yeop, Yong-ho Sang-juk collision, big match

Park Chan-ho and Lee Seung-yeop appeared as Sabu on the SBS 'Deacon's Whole Body' on 27th.

Lee Seung-yeop can be said to be a coach at the invitation of Park Chan-ho.

Lee's relationship with Park Chan-ho was said to have been at the age of 20.

Two people met at Hanyang University.

Park Seung-ho pointed out the elements of human victory.

He was a pitcher and turned to batter, but he was a great player.

I regretted that Lee's arm was stopped and analyzed the reason for pitching.

Lee Seung-yeop introduced Park Chan-ho as a senior who helped with life.

He seemed to quit baseball and meet Park Chan-ho frequently.

The two also stated that they had a meeting with golf sometimes.