Lee Won-hee, Myungbul Heojeon technique, as well as back to Kim Yohan, etc.

2019-10-28 06:31:18

Lee Won-hee, Myeongbul Heojeon technique still, Kim Yohan to be beaten back

There was a new mercenary in JTBC.

The new mercenary was Lee Won-hee.

Kim Seong-ju accused her of sitting without being heard, but she made her official appearance.

Lee Won Hee said that he is training students at Yongin University.

It was the first Korean to swept Judo Grand Slam.

Kim Dong-hyun pointed out the bluffs on the dojo, Jung Hyung-don pointed out.

Jung Hyung-don was hurt by the look of the world, and Lee Won-hee seemed to have hurt his waist due to Donnie's weight.

Yang Joon-hyuk also went over 100 kilometers in less than six seconds.

The battling of the ship shone.