'Let's look at the initial symptoms for diagnosing diarrhea.'

2019-10-24 01:11:21

Knowing what foods are good for diarrhea and improving your immunity is the best way to prevent diarrhea.

Good food for diarrhea is a food that boosts immunity, such as mushrooms containing beta glucan, cereals, and yeast.

In the self-treatment of dyslexia, the correct treatment method is to obtain accurate exercise after diagnosis through accurate examination at the hospital.

Looking at the causes according to the age distribution, the cause is unknown in the 60's, the infection is evenly distributed in 40 to 50, trauma 20 to 60's.

Positive posture hyeonhun occurs mainly in the age of 50 or older, it is possible to guess that due to the ischemia of the inner ear with the incomplete formation of dysentery and fluid calcification material can be easily generated by the degenerative change of the ear canal.

Suddenly, when you get out of bed in the morning, you suddenly experience dizziness and equilibrium disorders, especially when you cut your pillow or bend your neck and look up.

At this time, the symptoms of irritation of the autonomic nervous system, nausea, vomiting, headache, palpitations, cold sweats are often accompanied.

If not severe, self-treatment may be possible.

Self-treatment may be possible with exercise, but it is good to know the cause through sufficient consultation and diagnosis with a pre-exercise specialist.