Exploring each one of the AIDS in the broadcast?

2019-10-20 23:11:12

`Section City's mouth full`

MBC Every One 'Weekly Idol' (hereinafter referred to as 'Weekly Ah'), which aired on the 16th, appeared as a guest who had come back with the title song 'WONDERLAND (Wonderland)'.

In the broadcast, I had time to explore each AIDS.

ATI's member Jung Woo-young introduced himself as the representative sexy man of ATI's.

When Jung Woo-young was given a chance to perform a sexy dance, Jung Woo-young was a little shy and shy.

Wooyoung was acclaimed for her performance with cute looks and inversion as the music flowed out of her sexy mouth.

Wooyoung showed amazing leg tears, went on to play the game and made Jung Wooyoung succeed.

Wooyoung was introduced as a representative of ATI's sexy man, and she was attracted by members and showed her charm by the increasingly sexy dance.

Torch, which was watching Wooyoung's dance silently, was given a sexy dance opportunity.

Sexy prospect torch surprised both members and MC with pelvis dance that had been hidden.