Ideas for the future 100 years of the Republic of Korea

2019-10-16 16:31:15

National participation idea contest.

On-line referendum for the 2019 Korea Challenge Qualifier will be held in Daejeon and 27th Gyeonggi-do on October 26th.

The 10th Anniversary Project Promotion Committee will be held together with the referendum certification event until October 27th.

The Ministry of Unification and Education, hereinafter referred to as the `` 2019 Korea Challenge: National Proposal, National Choice (Korea Challenge) '' preliminary online referendum will be held until October 27.

The Korea Challenge is a national participation idea contest to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the 3.1 Movement and the provisional government of Korea and to present a blueprint for the future 100 years of the Republic of Korea.

The regional qualifiers will be held in Uijeongbu on October 26 (Sat.) and Daejeon (October 27) prior to the final rounds in Seoul on November 23 (Sat).

The Committee will hold a preliminary online referendum on the Korea Challenge website from the 14th prior to the regional qualifiers.

You can watch 16 teams of idea introduction videos that passed the document screening and vote for your favorite ideas.

Preliminary online referendum scores will be reflected in the qualifying points by 10%.

The committee will also hold an SNS event to encourage online referendum by the 27th.

The prize will be presented through a lottery among the participants who left a cheering message along with the SNS URL where the voting certification picture was posted on the Korea Challenge homepage.

For more information about the Korea Challenge online referendum and referrals, refer to the Korea Challenge website.