It was the best one minute with a true story exploration rate of 63 per minute

2019-10-01 18:11:10

On the 25th, the true story exploration team highlighted Lee Chun-jae, a leading suspect in the Mars serial murder case.

According to Nielsen Korea, a ratings research firm, two copies of the true story exploration team ranked first among the non-drama dramas of the same time period with 1.2% of the 2049 viewing rate in the metropolitan area.

The scene where criminal experts mentioned Lee Chun-jae's possibility of conviction was the highest one minute with 6.3% per household rating.

In three police investigations, Lee Chun-jae denied the crime, saying he had nothing to do with the Mars serial murder case.

The announcer Kim Jung-geun urged the police to carry out a strict investigation, saying, "This kind of cruel crime should never happen again."

Park Ji-hoon said, “Three DNAs were detected.

I see it at 100%. ”