Former FT Island member Song Seung-hyun announces retirement along with marriage announcement

2024-02-22 10:11:03

Song Seung-hyun said, "Today, I heard about the news of my marriage announcement through an article. A person close to me directly reported it, but they said they couldn't tell me, so it all felt very unfamiliar and difficult."

She also expressed her gratitude to the many people who congratulated her, and added that she plans to personally explain any inaccurate information other than her marriage in the future.

On the 15th, Song Seung-hyun directly announced the news of her retirement, saying, "What was more difficult than the new job and environment was the uncertain wait and human relationships that did not know when it would come," and that she was "trying to challenge a new life."

Song Seung-hyun's sudden marriage and announcement of her retirement shocked and disappointed her fans.


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