Former soccer player Lee Cheon-soo and his wife Shim Ha-eun are in controversy over the side effects of plastic surgery.

2024-02-23 18:41:03

Former soccer player Lee Cheon-soo was embroiled in controversy after making a slip of the tongue about his wife Sim Ha-eun's side effects from plastic surgery.

Shim Ha-eun countered by saying, "Her brother's face is more disgusting," but Lee Cheon-soo hurt Sim Ha-eun by saying, "It's disgusting to see it up close."

However, viewers expressed displeasure with Lee Cheon-soo's remarks and poured out criticism, saying, "I am uncomfortable with criticism of my wife's appearance and insulting remarks," and "Her husband should take her wife's side."

This incident led to controversy over Lee Cheon-soo's personality and is expected to have an impact on his political activities.


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