[SBS Fu Bao and Installment 2] Fu Bao, who came like a gift on a summer day and left like a dream on a spring day, goodbye

2024-04-02 19:11:06

Fans' biggest concern, Fu Bao, takes a preview of the candidates for the panda base in China where he will spend the rest of his life after quarantine, while the latest status of Fu Bao, who has entered quarantine, is revealed.

In addition, you can see Fu Bao and owner Kang Cheol-won preparing for their journey to China, as well as the behind-the-scenes story of March 3, the day Fu Bao last met Korean fans.

MCs Jeon Hyun-moo and Jang Do-yeon, who became even more immersed in Fu Bao ahead of their breakup, also showed sides they had not seen before.

Meanwhile, in Part 2, you will also be able to meet Fubao's eternal 'installment owner' zookeeper Kang Cheol-won, who unfortunately was not seen in the previous broadcast.


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