Over 8,000 people flocked to sign up for new book notifications for ‘Seonjae Jumps Out’ script book

2024-05-25 08:11:03

Aladdin Internet Bookstore held a new book notification request event to celebrate the publication of the author's version of the uncut script book for the time-slip salvation romance drama 'Seonjae and Bounce, Set 1-2', and received recommendations for famous lines from the drama that they wanted to look for first in the script book.

Reflecting the popularity of the drama, 4,038 comments were posted just two days after the event began, and it was revealed that about 8,000 customers signed up for the new book notification service to receive the book first.

The best famous line chosen by Aladdin customers is from episode 1 of ‘Pick Seonjae and Jump’: ‘So, try living today.

It was remembered as the best line in the drama by a whopping 1,408 people.


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