<Birth of a Worker> ‘Birth of a Worker’ 100th special feature!

2023-12-12 19:11:05

‘Global workers’ who have finally expanded overseas... What are the complaints from Korean residents in Japan?

The workers who have taken over the country from remote areas to islands over the past two years with the goal of ‘solving anything’ will be reborn as global workers in celebration of the 100th anniversary.

This is a place where Korean residents in Japan have gathered and settled in Japan since the Japanese colonial period for various reasons, such as looking for work, forced mobilization, or fleeing the Jeju April 3 Incident.

This place is said to be the hometown of the hearts of Korean residents in Japan, as the 'Jeju April 3 Victims' Memorial Monument' and the '74 Memorial Monument' mourning those who were sacrificed through forced mobilization are enshrined here.

In addition, the civil complaint resolution event, which clearly demonstrated the passion of Korean workers overseas, was held on Wednesday, December 13th at 7pm, with even ethnic Koreans in Japan and their children joining in to cook a special menu prepared by workers to show off the taste of their hometown. You can watch it on the 40-minute KBS 1TV broadcast.


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